COCA TEA LEAF (Erythroxylum coca)

Natural Product, preserve all curative properties of the coca leaf. Made with finely powdered coca leaf and packaged in heat-sealable filter paper of German technology. Coca tea, as filtering is a natural product that preserves all the properties of the coca leaf, consisting of 100% crushed coca leaf. It is a product that gives welfare to be sui generis properties optimal for the digestive process and as dietary energy source and is recommended for daily use. Properties: Digestive action, helps breathing, why it is used as a remedy for altitude sickness. It contains minerals like calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, and vitamins and energy items. It is a good regulator of carbohydrate metabolism. Uses: It lists the following uses in traditional Peruvian medicine Has a marked digestive and carminative action (antiflatulent).
COCA POWDER (Erythroxylum coca)

Coca leaves are pulverized and used for direct consumption as a nutritional supplement,
Natural Product, preserve all curative properties of the coca leaf.
 It is a product that gives welfare to be sui generis properties optimal for the digestive process and as dietary energy source and is recommended for daily use. Properties: Digestive action, helps breathing, why it is used as a remedy for altitude sickness. It contains minerals like calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, and vitamins and energy items. It is a good regulator of carbohydrate metabolism. Uses: It lists the following uses in traditional Peruvian medicine Has a marked digestive and carminative action (antiflatulent).
It is a respiratory agent, which stimulates this function, which is used to cure the "altitude sickness".
It is tonic and energy.



Shark Cartilage is a controversial natural product, effective placebo for some and for others, about which in the past thirty years eminent scientists have conducted and published more than a few laboratory studies. It also has a considerable number of successful experiences and their use involves little or no risk for most adults. Its importance is that it can be used to complement conventional treatments to inhibit the growth of tumors and other degenerative diseases associated with aging.

Pharmacological properties of shark cartilage


Botanical Description  Family: Rubiaceae,   Genus: Morinda,  Species: citrifolia Linn.

Noni is an evergreen shrub that grows commonly in open coastal regions at sea level and in wooded areas above 400 meters above sea level. It is easily identifiable by its straight trunk and large, bright green leaves elliptical, tubular white flowers and its fruit characteristic ovoid, similar to passion fruit, yellowish green. The fruit can grow to 12 cm or more and has a lumpy surface covered by polygonal-shaped sections. The triangular seeds are reddish brown and have an air bag attached to the end. The ripe fruit of the Noni has a characteristic smell and taste like the cheese due to the presence of carboxylic acids (1).
Uncaria tomentosa

Known scientifically Uncaria tomentosa, Cat's Claw is a creeping and climbing vine native medicinal use of Peru, which grows in the wilds of the rainforest in the country, but also on well at ease for a long time.The Cat's Claw plant is used as traditional medicine for the ethnicity of the Ashaninkas, located in the Peruvian Amazon, and applied for centuries to heal deep wounds and to relieve bone pain, for the kidneys and to treat women after childbirth.
Chemical composition:Alkaloid found in leaves (rincofilina, isorincofilina, isomitrafilina, dihidrocorinanteína, uncarine F, hirsuteína, hirsutine, uncarine uncarine C E).In the stem and bark alkaloids like we rincofilina, isorincofilina, isomitrafilina, dihidrocorinanteína, uncarine F, uncarine C, uncarine E, Hirsuteína, hirsutine) consisting of isopentane (3 polyhydroxylated triterpenes), glycosides (3 glycosides acid glycosides).
Mode of Action:The "Cat Claw" has immunostimulatory properties (stimulates and strengthens the body's defenses), anti-inflammatory and cytostatic (growth arrest and tumor cell growth).When used in high concentrations, has a contraceptive effect. In contrast, comparatively low concentrations has an anti-inflammatory and cancerostático.Drug Information:Action in the cell cultureThe ability of aqueous extract, alkaloid fractions and alkaloids of the plant only to increase the phagocytes was analyzed in the test according to BRANDT granulocyte and chemiluminescent testing. He thus demonstrated the need to reduce the increasing activity of phagocytes and teropodina Isoteropodina on alkaloid, which is achieved with an increase of 66% of phagocytes, ie 27%, at a concentration of 27 mg / ml (3, 16, 35, 36).We investigated the antitumor effect of aqueous extract, alkaloid fractions and alkaloids of the plant only in different tumor cell lines.We obtained different degrees of proliferation inhibitory influence of the test substances in all cell lines. This influence, which was achieved at a concentration of 70 mg / ml by 100% (2,3,15,16,24,37), was more marked with isoteropodina and teropodina monosubstance.The protective effect of the substances against the influence of nitrogen mustard gas hemolysate (10-4 M) and valinomycin (2.5 x 10 -7 M) was analyzed with a total extract (0.3 mg / ml) in red cell concentrates . Here there was a decrease of 50% of hemolysis compared with controls (4,5,6).The antiviral effect against Herpes simplex 1 and -2 was analyzed with a total extract in Vero cells, and Hep-2-. The minimum inhibitory concentration (= MIC, dose at which the appearance of cytopathic effect is decreased by 25%) is 0.1 g / ml for Vero and 10 g / ml for Hep-2. The minimum toxic concentration (= MTC, dose at which toxic effects occur in uninfected cells) is 100 g / ml for Vero and 330 g / ml for Hep-2 (22).We analyzed the inhibitory effect of total extract on the activity of reverse transcriptase. The average concentration (= ID50, concentration at which activity was reduced by 50%) was evident at 60 g / ml (1).Medicinal Properties- Dolores by rheumatism.- Immune HIV or AIDS- Standardization of some immune system functions.- In degenerative diseases like cancer (female genital tract, lung and gastric bronco) and tumors.- Processes viral- Menstrual cycle irregularities- General weakness and convalescenceContraindications


CAMU CAMUMyrciaria dubia (H.B.K) Mc Vaugh
Because of its high Vitamin C content very useful in the treatment of infectious respiratory mucosa. Camu Camu is a native of the Peruvian Amazon, which grows wild in the alluvial soils that are flooded during the rainy season. This fruity Amazon is paying increasing attention to the high vitamin C content it contains, which comes to 2.700 mg per 100g of pulp, equivalent to almost 40 times that of orange pulp. It also contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and is rich in flavonoids.



Trade name of a product with diuretic, antiinflammatory, Desinflamante is elaborated based on Pineapple, Corn, Celery, Cola de Caballo, chicory and honey. Pineapple Ananas comosus (5) Key Nutrients: Vitamins: A, B and C. Minerals: Potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Therapeutic Properties: Contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme present also in the figs and papaya, which is an excellent stomach tonic. In Hawaii have traditionally been used as a remedy for digestive problems.


HERGASOL It is the trade name of the following components Muna, Culen, Fennel, Peppermint and Anise, widely used in the different diseases of the digestive tract. Brig Minthstachys Muña setosa It is a shrubby plant of the Labiatae family, native to the Peruvian mountains, which reaches a height of 0.80 mts., To 1.20 mts., And that it grows between 2.500 to 3.500 m Composition and chemical analysis of dry Muna (contained in 100 grs., Of the edible portion) Energy: 299.00 (kcal), calcium, phosphorus, iron. Vitamins such as retinol, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.



100% natural laxative composed of Barberry and Sen.Berberis vulgaris Barberry is a shrub that can reach brambly almost three meters high. It belongs to the Berberidaceae family, which includes not more than 150 species, divided by countries with temperate climates.The plant flowers at the end of spring. Particularly interested in the root (bark), leaves and fruits. Once the bark stripped, cleaned, dried, even the sun, and residual moisture is removed in drying at temperatures not exceeding 50 º C.The whole plant, except the fruit contains a high percentage of alkaloids.



What is the composition of the Snail? The check was widespread surprise that the snail contains a complex of specific substances on the skin, especially trophic restorative, antiseptic and exfoliating. From all its complex content, the main active ingredients are:So that skin problems is useful Snail? The main indication of the Snail is the usual skin care. In cosmetic matters, especially the prevention of aging, and this is achieved by maintaining the appropriate level of nutrition and hydration of the skin. It also imports the repair of elementary lesions, in the snail, injury and repair of the shell in human skin, the components of the snail have the restorative effect that heals the elementary lesions, as was shown initially with the workers in this industry.In addition, the Snail is a set of cosmetic indications of interest, always related to rejuvenation and repair tropism. Enter your wrinkles and stretch marks action on several scars, including acne, to repair burns, etc.. It has been suggested action in keloids, in warts and normalization of skin blemishes. Its field of action is spreading, as their effects are known and applied in the clinic and home care.